The Vacant Man
(Continued: After Sam Encounters the Whore)
24 January 1999
Section C1: The Prostitute's Offer
The whore, it appears, is not just any
whore. She matches his steps, keeping time, which makes Sam consider something outside of
himself. For now. He smells her first. Non-invasive. Baby powder? He needs to look up from
his down. Needs to see what carries this innocuous, alluring smell.
She is younger than most he has ignored. Has lots of glunk on her face, which has rubbed
around, by how many today before him? But there is a promise in her.
"Aren't you interested? Cheap. I'm very good. You won't be sorry."
"The last thing I need..." He mutters the rest.
"What do you need? How 'bout we do some game, a little role-playing." This is a creative one, not just fast for the cash, or, it appears, a fix.
"Yeah. Right. Like what? How to rephrase what you spat out to a woman who walked away with your gut love?"
"Sounds like you need..."
"Need what? A lesson in life from some kid with her head up her...?" He has stopped, and is just shaking his head. In disgust.
"That's unfair, mister. You don't know me."
"And I should?"
"You might be pleased with the results." She goes, he thinks, so easily from real to con.
"What say we go upstairs here. I can show you how a woman appreciates a man."
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Does Sam go to the flat with her? Go to Section C11 |
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Does the whore get another trick and Sam move on? Go to Section C12 |
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Does she tongue him, and Sam think he's in love, fickle boy? Go to Section C13 |
Section C2: Just Walk on By
(From: Brian Matthew Kessler --
Sam keeps walking. What can this hustler do for him? Give him AIDS, herpes, gonorrhea, syphilis, crabs, hepatitis . . . . The only woman he ever wanted, ever needed is gone. And his gender is as stiff as a bowl of jell-o and this scamp can't change anything except the sorry state of his wallet from bad to worse.
Sam continues down the poorly lit street. In the distance, he hears a band playing. A bad cover of some Joplin song. Still, the music acts as a siren's song. Sam finds himself going around in circles as the music bounces off the concrete walls at odd angles. Sam is sure he has walked down this street several times already. Where the hell is that music (now a bad B.B. King cover) coming from?
Sam is getting tired and weary from walking around for what has come to seem like hours. He finds a stoop without a gate and kicks some broken glass out of the way before he sits down rather uncomfortably.
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Does Sam take a nap? Go to Section C21 |
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Does Sam ask the next person who passes where to find the music? Go to Section C22 |
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Does Sam get bored and start walking again? Go to Section C23 |
Section C3: Driven by Rage
(From: Brian Matthew Kessler --
A rage builds within Sam. Sam reaches forward suddenly and without warning, grabbing the poor young woman by the throat. Here is this woman, this whore, a mockery to his love. She struggles to get free as Sam backs her against a wall. Is this what Lisa, what women are about? "What can you buy me?" "I want some diamonds!" "I want some gold!" More subtle, of course. But it was there: It was there when Lisa asked for a new dress, a new hand bag, new shoes. All these things she needed to have until she had them... and then gratefully threw them into the back of her closet never to be looked at again. Where's the reciprocation? Always "buy me", "Buy me!", "BUY ME!!!"? "Am I buying for you, or am I buying YOU?" Sam asked himself, never her, always at the back of his mind, never the courage to say it. And here's this bitch dredging up the worst aspects of the entire relationship.
Fear shines in the fallen woman's eyes as she weakens... Her body hardly struggles as oxygen deprived muscles start to give out. Her mascara paints her face as tears do what the air can not -- flow freely. As her body goes limp, Sam's rage begins to subside.
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Does Sam finish her off? Go to Section C31 |
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Does Sam walk away? Go to Section C32 |
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Does Sam attempt to revive her? Go to Section C33 |
Section Z9999998:The Vacant Man Finds His Way at the Bar at the End of the Universe
I'm still alive, I think!
Oh what a night, 7 cosmopolitians and 3 hours later a wave of vertigo descended upon me. Stired me up like a cosmic soup. The Porcelon Godd of hedonism, called me and demanded my redemption,for I had committed a sin, a sin against the eternal balance of the Universe: Moderation.
I kneeled before the Porcelon Godd of hedonism, showing much and deep humility - spilling my guts and giving many offers, meditating, begging for forgiveness. I prayed to the Porcelon Godd and he said flush these polluted waters and learn a lesson. And so I did, I followed my masters advice and as I looked into the soul of the god of hedonism, I saw a galaxy of swirling water, gas and vomit. As the galaxy swirled around its center, I noticed a black hole at the center of the galaxy and the black hole swallowed all that was bad and poisonous. I saw the end of time, the universe collapse upon itself. The building blocks of life and the Universe. The Porcelon Godd spake to me, "All in moderation, Don't be swallowed into the abyss."
At that very point in time the Universe collapsed upon itself my vision had come to pass.
Section Z9999999: The Y2K Letter
Here is a letter that the vacant man recieves in the future. Its over a y2k issue.
January 4, 2000
Dear Valued Employee:
Re: Vacation Pay
Our records indicate that you have not used any vacation time over the past 100 year(s). As I'm sure you are aware, employees are granted 3 weeks of paid leave per year or pay in lieu of time off. One additional week is granted for every 5 years of service.
Please either take 9,400 days off work or notify our office and your next pay check will reflect payment of $8,277,432.22 which will include all pay and interest for the past 1,200 months.
Automated Payroll Processing
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