
The Vacant Man

(Continued: After Sam Attacks Whore)

11 February 1999

Section C31: Sam Finishes the Whore


Sam takes the whore down to the floor with his face close to her and says, "You know Money is not everything, but it is important. I remember being so poor at times in my life that I lived off of a 50 cent box of pasta in a crack house for 6 months. I know what its like to be poor and not have mom and dad to back you up if you ultimately need a place to fall back on. I'm a capitalist pig, yes capitalist pig. I don't try to bullshit myself and think that money isn't important. Well it isn't everything, but in the real world it determines your status, and provides you with the necessities like good food and water. Some people have no appreciation for money, no respect for it. They squander their money, those people are prols."

The Whore gasps for air as Sam strandles her on the floor with his hands around her throat. The whore's $20 nails dig deep into Sam's arms as her face turns Indian red.

Sam says one final thing; he repeats a philosophy from a new age philosopher, only he adds his own twist to it. "If you divided all the money in the world up so that everyone had the same amount, in 10 years you would be right back in the same situation. The ex-poor would be the poor again, the ex-middle class would be the middle class again and the ex-rich would be rich again. Of course you would have some new rich and some new poor and some new middle class, but for the most part things would be back to the way they were. The same groups would be crying for equality and justice, the same groups would be calling other groups inferior. Racism, sexism, love, hate, war and peace would still exist. There is only one way to cure this world; it is genocide. The blood must flow."

Sam jumps up and begins stomping on the whore's face. Thump, thump. Her head beats against the ground with each stomp, her face and jaw begin to fall apart as different bones break, shatter and get crushed. Her bloodied face wells up and a pool of blood forms under her unconscious, ragged, blood cushion head.

With a final blow he drops his foot on her throat, twisting his heel as if her throat were a fat cherry red finished cigar. Finally her breathing stops.

Does Sam run and hide? Go to Section C311
Does Sam rape the corpse? Go to Section C312
Does Sam weep over the body? Go to Section C313

Note: Any readers interested in contributing to this story should send their submissions to the address below.

This page was prepared by Brian Matthew Kessler of Nowhere@All
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