The Vacant Man
(Continued: After Sam Encounters the Whore)
12 May 1999
Section C13: Sam Falls in Love With the Whore
(From: Monica Scavenger)
As Sam freed his arm from her virtual grasp and turned and began to walk
away, she called after him. "OK, I get off at 6". An eternity passed thru
his mind as he considered fleetingly her offer. As the feeling that passes
thru a man bent from and on grieving. A man who suddenly gained an appetite
after a long illness. For he had been lovesick. And as he rolled the whore around
in his mind the sun came out of a hiding place for a brief second to make
everyone around him have one undreary thought. His undreary thought was
He would buy a bottle of wine -- nice wine -- and drink with her, just for
the cheer and warmth of company and a warm interior, as he noticed the
chill in the air. H almost didin't notice the sirens coming up fast behind him and
the young lady of the night calling, "Wait! WAIT!" and the ticking of her
running footsteps. "Please WAIIIIITTT!" until she was right behind him.
"Please mister, Please. Just act like you're my boyfriend. OK?"
"Huh?" said Sam.
She said, "My friend. Act like you know me PLEASE?" and
he looked over his shoulder to the police cars behind him. "They'll take
me in if I'm out here you know, hookin'. I don't want to go to jail for
what I do. I know you don't want me to, either"
"No," said sam collecting himself to the present moment at last.
"C'mon," said the woman, "Let's get a cuppa coffee,"
nodding her shoulder in the direction of a small neighborhood delicatessen.
It was steamy and warm inside alright and she turned around long enough to
catch his eye. His next conscious thought was My god. And then we don't
know what he thought next because he didn't either. And if it hadn't been
for the unnerving vision of making any kind of a scene and attracting attention
and getting a lady arrested he would have fainted cold on the spot.
Does Sam pass out anyway? Go to Section C131.
Does Sam turn around and leave the cafe? Go to Section C132.
Does Sam attempt to kiss the whore? Go to Section C133.
Note: Any readers interested in contributing to this story should send their submissions to the address below.