
Five Point Posers

by The Antihumanist


Ever wonder what are the points of the infamous Five Point Pussies was? I have taken the time to write this up to tell you some of my personal educated theories on this.


Point One: To prove they are not tough, just people who are so insecure about themselves that they must beat up anyone that they find to be a threat. Since they are so insecure, just about everyone is a threat to them and therefore a potential victim. But these vermin are not as tough as they would like you to believe. Tough people do not force fights against people who have no interest in fighting, especially when any point to me made by fighting is vague at best. Tough people do not need to make excuses for fighting based on events which all concerned know to be false. Tough people can handle a one-on-one fight, not require five to one odds, in their favor. Tough people do not need to use diversionary tactics such as by throwing a cigarette at their adversaries. Tough people do not need to sucker punch their opponents. Tough people do not attack people in the process of fleeing. Tough people do not kick people when they are down. In other words, TRUE TOUGH GUYS USE NONE OF THE TACTICS OF THE FIVE POINT PATHETICS!


Point Two: To prove they are hypocrites. I see them walking in and out of a church in "their" territory. What sort of God would permit them to go around beating up people senselessly? Or is it because many of their victims have long hair? Would they beat up Jesus for his long hair? Probably, which just further proves their hypocrisy. Do they really want think God applauds their actions? If their God wants them involved in violence, then let them continue their involvement, BUT LET THE FIVE POINT PRICKS TAKE THE ROLE OF VICTIMS!


Point Three: To prove that they are sexually deprived. It has been concluded time and time again that violence is a sign of sexual frustration. Considering that they are such losers, though, is it any wonder that their sex life is lacking? The question now arises: Is it preferable to find someone so they have their needs fulfilled and risk polluting the gene pool and creating something worse, or just to leave them be to terrorize this town? It has often been said, "Better the evil you know, than that you don't", but I have a better idea: Eliminate the evil, ELIMINATE THE FIVE POINT PARASITES!


Point Four: To prove that baseball bats have more than one use. Instead of hitting balls (at least not the balls these bats are designed to hit), use bats to hit various body parts on these barbarians. Various police officials, who will remain nameless, have unofficially implied many times that there is not much the police can do about these savages and it would be best if someone would chase after them with baseball bats. If you want to get something done, you must do it yourself, so lets all go into our local sporting goods store, buy a baseball bat, and PRACTICE YOUR BATTING TECHNIQUES ON THE FIVE POINT PESTS!


Point Five: To prove that nobody is safe from them until they become worm food. Ever since they have made their presence known, I have hardly gone an entire week without hearing mention of at least one new victim. Being that this is as much your town, if not more (since they have lost the right to it through their despicable actions), you should have a desire to walk the streets safely, where-ever and whenever you chose. If you desire this, then it would be a contradiction in character to just sit back and let them be. You must rise up and strike against them. NOW IS THE TIME TO LAUNCH A FULL SCALE WAR ON THE FIVE POINT PLAGUE!


I do not ask you to act alone, such would be the act of a kamikaze at best, pure suicide at worst. In order to defeat this foe we must unite and act together. It is my desire to organize a LARGE army to confront this terror. Not just a lynch mob, but an actual army. After recruiting this army, I intend to put those most capable of leading, not myself, in charge. Those who know how to fight will train those that don't. This army, when complete, should be as efficient as an national army, only with a better purpose: to get rid of direct threats to our personal freedom and safety, not just the political ideals of those in power. You may think I am a dreamer for daring to think this, and maybe so, but you really need to ask yourself, if none of us were to ever follow our dreams, would we ever get where we wanted to go?

If you are truly interested in pursuing this goal, find a way to get in touch with me and I will get you in touch with others who have voiced their interest. I do not use my true name only because if this army can not be organized, I do not want those punks to launch a personal war against me personally. In order to get in touch with me, I recommend you send the message through whomever you received this from and hopefully they will pass the word along until I get it.


P.S. Please pass this, or copies of this, around.

This page was prepared by Brian Matthew Kessler of Nowhere@All
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