
Following God

by Brian Matthew Kessler


It is my opinion that nobody should follow any Gods.

First, there is no proof that a God exists and to follow a non-existant God is completely foolish. Sure, there is no proof that God doesn't exist, but that proves nothing. The burden of proof lies with the church that accuses him of being guilty of existing and it is inherent that you are innocent until proven guilty.

Furthermore, sure exclamations as "If there is no God, explain this," are meaningless. A lack of explanations does not mean that a God is responsible and what sort of explanation would you put on your God? It is inherent that that which is more simple is more likely to exist, and therefore more probable. We can simplify the universe into starting off as an eleven dimensional nothing which folded into itself to form something, assuming you have the proper background in biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, and perhaps a few other sciences. Logic says that an eleven dimensional nothing with only one possibility of folding in on itself to form something is infinitely more probable than a sentient being with the ability to do anything. Thus we derive the universe is much more probable than God and more likely of existing on its own.

Let us be quite ridiculuous and pretend a God was to exist. Now we must decide whether to follow him.

The very fact that this infinitely powerful being wants followers, proves he is very much a meglomaniac. Meglomania, is inherently evil, so to follow God is to follow an evil being. To willingly follow an evil being is to be evil or stupid.

Furthermore, many rules imposed by Gods of many religions are inherently unjust. For example, many relegions say it is a sin to not believe in God, a sin worthy of being fried for... obvious bigotry and therefore inherently wrong. Furthermore, if God was to have created man with the ability to doubt and place him in an environment where doubt if not thorough disbelief is the only rational option, such as the planet Earth, then God must be a Sadist because that man will doubt and then be condemned by the same God who made him doubt. To follow a sadistic God is to follow an evil God, which returns us to the point that to follow God then is to be evil or stupid.

Also, some religions claim that God condemns cowards, but also say that it is sinful not to live in fear of God. Who can be a bigger coward than one who fears something that is probably only a myth? If you fear God you are condemned as a coward, and if not you are condemned for not fearing God. This is but another example of the evil of God.

Some religions say God tells you to be fruitful and multiply and then tells you that you are not allowed to have sex. Does God want everyone to have test tube babies? And why did this God give people genitals anyways?

And what is so wrong with sex? As long as all involved consent and are responsible about it, who is this God to say no? Especially when you consider that in some religions God, in the form of the Holy Spirit came to Mary, one of God's children (if we are all God's children) in the form of a dove and concieved a child. Let us examine this. First we see incest, since he had sex with his daughter. Then we see adultry, since he was not married to her. Next, beastuality, since he was in the form of a dove. And he probably raped her unless we want to assume that the mother of God was also into all this. We must also realize then that God is also guilty of performing incest with his mother, whether he raped her or not. With all of this, we must find God guilty of hypocracy... also making God evil.

He also tells people not to kill... but did he not kill Onan? Furthermore, are not all deaths "God's will"? More hypocracy.

And what did Onan do that was so bad? He mastrubated! Like that really is such a harmful thing to do. Nobody is harmed by such an act and if you aren't sexually active for extended periods of time it is much cleaner than waiting to have a nacturnal emission and soiling the sheets. Also, the men among us (except for those so unfortunate (or fortunate as is this case) to be anything but well endowed) can say how unpleasant it is to be wearing pants when you have an erect organ. Furthermore, the chemicals that build up when you have gone for extended periods without ejactulating cause much stress. If God wants us to lead stressful lives, it only further demonstrates his sadistic tendencys.

And what about lying? Did not God lie to Abraham and say that he must sacrafice his son?

And the seven deadly sins: pride, lust, gluttony, sloth, envy, greed, anger. Are these not natural instincts in man, things that can not avoided. Sure, you can ignore these feelings or try to distract yourself from taking notice of them, but you can not avoid them.

And why should you want to? What is with any of them?

Pride is simply acknowledging that there is something you like about yourself. You could not go through life without a certain amount of pride without suffering severe depression. Does God want depression? More sadism!

Lust is a desire for something. If we did not desire anything, we could not live. We would not desire food when we are hungry and we would starve to death. If we did not desire sex, we would not reproduce. Does God want human extinction? Then why did he create us and why doesn't he just get it over with?

Gluttony is eating more than you need to. If you don't eat it, then it will go to waste more likely than go to the needy. With needy people, it is sinful to waste food. Besides, why would God not want us to enjoy our meals?

Sloth is sleeping late. What is wrong with sleeping if you have nothing better to do? Perhaps is the sin is in the stress that is being relieved or in the lust that may be stirred up.

Envy, is simply lust for someone elses possessions. If you don't go out and steal it, what difference does it make that you want it?

Greed, the desire to have more than you need... what is wrong with having more than you need. Someday you might need it and then you will have it... better off than being without it.

Anger is the survival instict. If something threatens you, you get angry causing a reaction. Would you prefer to be completely unstimulated and let it do its damage? It seems that is what God prefers.

If all this does not prove to you that God is a sadist, this simple, well known quote about God should (unfortunately, I don't know the origin of the quote, but I do know it is a widely held belief among the church to explain suffering): "God wants us to suffer in life so that we can learn how to love in death". His desire for us to suffer and his desire for us to inevitably die both show sadistic tendencies. Furthermore, suffering teachs hate, not love. Love can only be taught through love. This shows that God is an ignorant God... who is more the fool, the fool or the fool who follows him?

Further examples of the flaws of God can quite easily be found if you take the time to look with an open mind. I believe I have done enough to prove that God is a fool, a hypocrate, a meglomaniac, and a sadist, among many other things. If a human ruler were to have made these rules, he would have had a rather large uprising against him (just as many people in today's world are breaking away from the church). Most people will agree that might does not make right (unless they are the ones with the might) and therefore God's superior power justifies absolutely nothing.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with choosing to live the lifestyle dictated by a religion if you feel it is truly right for you, but God should not be used as an excuse to live such a life... it should be based on your own concepts of right and wrong, good and evil.

If, for some reason, you should decide that you must follow a God, then bear this in mind when you choose your God. All concepts of God were conceived of by men who wanted a God who suited his particular needs in a God. To worship such a God, is not truly the worship of the God, but rather the creator of the God. If you are to worship a man made God, you should worship a God that you have made for yourself and use your own judgements and needs when deciding how to make this God. You will quickly realize that the God you have created is simply an external manifistation of yourself, which you can easily internalise and to worship such a God is to worship yourself. Thus, you become a God and you have no-one to answer to but your own heart.

This page was prepared by Brian Matthew Kessler of Nowhere@All
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