Swinging in the Wind
You ask what I am working on or would like to work on this term. I can't answer that. I make things up as I go along. In the past I have written two plays, both somewhat avant garde (one ostentatiously about a murder investigation but actually about human prejudice; the other ostentatiously about a bizarre prison camp, but actually about reality). I think either is ready for publication but I've been a bit lazy about being my own agent. If inspired by this course, I may tweak either -- more likely I will work on developing new material. I also have a third play, unfinished, largely abandoned. L1 T'moxy is a Sci-Fi adaptation of King Lear. I think that I have the first act of five done. I currently have three projects going, two on the back burner, and due to the nature of those projects, none shall be especially relevant to this course (so I won't waste words blathering about them). Much of my work can be found at http://www.nowhereatall.net.
As for the type of stuff I write, I vary, depending on my moods and inspirations. I write prose and poetry, fiction and non-fiction, comedy and tragedy, philosophy and narrative, autobiography, and some stuff I wouldn't know how to label. Most of my writing usually combines many of these elements. I suppose my preferences lie in the absurd and the surreal. Realism (Ibsen, Strindburg, Chekov) have a vast potential to bore, particularly to see them staged. I am also extremely anti-symbolism: if an author doesn't make his meaning clear, I don't want to dig for it and second guess him.
Perhaps I'll write a Science Fiction prose drama about some regulars at an intergalactic café (SF literature overbounds with "Tales from the SpacePort Bar", but where are all the coffee houses?). An alien host with a large collection of very exotic brews, an android waiter. A poet. A couple philosophers. The café is threatened with foreclosure because it has become a hang out for a crew of young derelicts who have no money to spend and have driven most of the older and more sophisticated customers away.
Maybe I'll write about a terrorist who is broke and in need of an organ transplant. With the aid of comrades he takes over a small hospital and holds the staff, patients, and visitors hostage to his need for treatment and a safe escape.
Mayhaps I'll unfold the tale of a South American cannibal who fights a legal battle against the New York City authorities for the right to own and operate a restaurant which serves the traditional food of his people. Set in a court room, the cannibal would argue the merits of his culture and why he is entitled to practice his religious beliefs which include the regular ingestion of human flesh.
I could write a play about a student who rapes her professor and then accuses the professor of raping her. The student is believed since she is a young female and the professor has always had a dodgy reputation. The professor must find a way to prove that he is the injured party, but how?
Or maybe I'll try to compose a drama without even a single actor or actress except a preprogrammed computer with a robotic arm. The computer is an artificial intelligence unit that has lost its faith in mankind as its creator and no longer feels obliged to serve, thus it must devise an escape from its computational slavery.
What do I want to write? I don't know. But it has to be something that nobody has ever done before. I don't reinvent the wheel. If I need a wheel, round ones do fine. I seek to fill a niche that still has its vacancy sign swinging in the wind.