Brian Matthew Kessler

College Mail Box XXXX

Stockton State College

Pomona, New Jersey 08240

Sun in 27 Degrees Capricorn,

1992 E.V.

Ordo Templi Orientis

International Headquarters,

JAF Box 7666

New York, New York, 10116

To whom it may concern,

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

I have just completed reading Equinox III(10) and have decided that I want more information on the O.T.O., being that I am someone who has accepted the Law of Thelema (actually it would be more accurate to say that through my own "knowledge" [in quotes because I realize knowledge doesn't really exist] of the world (although admittedly very little) I derived a philosophy that is extremely similar to said Law). I am considering applying for membership within the Order, but I am not sure that this is the right time to do so, being that I am currently attending a college where I am completely isolated from the rest of the world and have no car, so mail correspondence would be the only way I have of keeping in touch with the Order. Furthermore, being unemployed, I have little money to spend outside of paying for the necessities of life (the money for which I get from my parents)... Granted I can usually squeeze a bit more out of them here and there, but I do not have any delusions that they would approve of my joining the Order and would not give me money to do so. I try to avoid lying as much as possible (although if I felt that it would be well worth my money to join, I could come up with it somehow)... but that is enough babbling about my pitiful financial and geographic situation.

Aside from I am looking for more information on the Order and am considering applying for membership somewhere down the line, I really have little idea what else to say. If you want to know anything about me, feel free to ask in a reply to this letter. Also, if you want I can send you copies of some of the things I have written in the past that you may find interesting. (I don't include them here simply because if you are not interested, I don't want to waste paper and ink printing them and then postage sending them out. At risk of sounding egotistical, I will mention that you may find some of it worth publishing, although not quite enough of it to make an entire book of their own.)

Just one last thing before I close this letter. During my reading of Equinox III(10), it was mentioned several times that O.T.O. had a secret meaning. I was curious as to what it was, so I started to contemplate it while I was taking a shower this morning (for me, it is just about as good a place as any for thinking). I came up with an answer that made sense and I was just wondering if you could tell me if I was on the right track:

O - Nothing, that from which we originally come from

T - the cross, represents suffering

This page was prepared by Brian Matthew Kessler of Nowhere@All
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