ME! (Second edition)
The following pages are printed from my web site and can be located at It is as much a mistake to think that they represent me as to ignore the possibility of the same. The truth essence of a human being can not be captured in words. EnLightenment shall not be found in the black spaces on these pages. What you seek is behind the words and between them. Don't look for the answers; look for the questions. Don't look at what, look at how and why. Look for patterns. Look for the apparent paradox and find the truth in the middle and at the extremes.
The problem you had with my original "Me! Card" is not that it did not answer the questions, but that it did not appear to provide the answers you were looking to read. But re-read it with much of the above in mind, and you may begin to understand precisely why I answered the questions as I did - because those were the only accurate answers available. In many ways, they still are.
The following pages may serve to enhance your understanding or to confound it. That depends on how flexible your view of the world and humanity may be and how extensive your experiences are, particularly in mystical and occult matters.
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