
Brian Matthew Kessler  

XXXX Carol Road

Union, New Jersey 07083

(908)/687-XXXX (House)

(908)/687-XXXX (Bedroom)

January 31, 1993

The Pass


600 Johnson Ave.

Suite B7

Bohemia, NY 11716


Dear #A117,


Sorry about my manner of addressing you. Let me make it quite clear that I have no delusions that you are not a number, you are a free man. Strike that... if you were a man, free or otherwise, I would not be writing this letter... you are not a number, you are a free woman... somehow that doesn't sound aesthetically pleasing, but I will ignore that for the moment. The reason I address you in such a poor manner is obvious... I have no other way of addressing you... something I hope that you shall decide to amend.

I am 19 (but look like I'm in my mid twenties and think like I'm at least in my thirties). I have long dark brown hair that gets tints of red with the coming of the summer sun. I have hazel eyes that shift from brown to green. I am 5'8" and weigh 130 lb. My build is fairly good, due mostly to good genetics and an excessive amount of walking, but I am by no means a body builder. Most women I have know have know have found my appearance to be "hot", "cute", "handsome", "adorable", or other such things, although most of the ones I have found myself interested in usually decided that I wasn't their type. I'd send you a photo, but I have none, so if you want to see what I look like, either you'll have to use your imagination on the given data, or meet me and see for yourself.

In matters of the heart, my locksmithing abilities tend excel, given a reasonable environment in which to work and assuming that the whole mechanism isn't doesn't need replacement... if the mechanism's shot, all I can do is try to reset it, but most people are stubborn and refuse to change... or can't maintain the adjustments. There is a certain matter of incentive though. Granted, there have been those that were unlocked just by the owner's eyes being laid on, but most of those were broken, since I decided I would be better off opening up another Pandora's Box. There were also many that I unlocked, but circumstances usually prevent me from harvesting my rewards. The most upsetting of these circumstances is a case where someone else held the key to her libido and her priorities were somewhat confused. I'm sure if I wanted to I can unlock your heart, the question I put forth is: Do I want to, and if so, why?

That's just about everything I can think of for now. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Yours truly,

Brian Matthew Kessler

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